Broad Plain Pioneers walking rugby group held their first Hearts ānā Lungs event on Saturday morning 11th March 2023.
It was well attended by other walking rugby groups with over 50 players coming along.
As players arrived they were asked to select a coloured counter which placed them in a team of 8 players. In this way male and female players of mixed ability were teamed together for the morning. A great way of meeting and making new friends and contacts.
This allowed us to put together 6 teams, playing 5 matches of 10 minutes.
After a great warm-up session we got down to the serious matter of playing our games.
Some really good handling and movement skills were on show but most importantly everyone enjoyed the games. Referees ensured the rules were adhered to and were treated respectfully by all players.
The weather, although cold, was dry which meant the pitches held up well.
At the end of play everyone was invited back to the clubhouse to enjoy a bacon butty or cheese toasty and drink.
Pioneers were thanked for providing a great morning and everyone looked forward to a future event.
Thanks must be given to the whole team of Pioneers members who turned up to help organise the day with special mention to Phil and Jan for the wonderful food along with Don and Yvonne for manning the bar.